مشخصات فنی سرور



OC192     20 Gb/s

99.8% Uptime Guaranteed

ü       Support

ü       High Speed

ü       Class A Ips

ü       Reliability


•   Windows 2003 Server or Linux Server

•   OC192 connections to internet backbone

•   Full Support for Hosting Controller with HELM.

•   Full Support Ms SQL databases

•   Full Support My SQL databases

•   Full Support Access databases

•   POP3 Management

•   CGI-BIN Account

•   Unlimited Email forwarding & aliasing

•   Email auto responders

•   Microsoft FrontPage server extensions

•   Active Server Pages compatible

•   ASP.NET Web Matrix

•   Address is http://www.yourname.com .net .org .cc .ir .biz .info .ws ….

•   Controlled FTP access

•   Customized ERROR pages

•   E-Commerce availability

•   Controlled email service

•   DNS (Domain name server) service & sub domain

•   Real Audio/ video streaming

  Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

•   SMTP and POP3 server

•   Web Based Email system

•   24 hours sales and technical support Via Email

•   100% network uptime guarantee

•   SO ON ….. 

   · 1-Special Features of Our Hosting Services. 

                  ·    1-1- Windows Advanced Server 2003 Standard Server.

                  ·    1-2- Multi Simplex backup servers.

                  ·    1-3- OC192 backbone 99.8% uptime guaranteed.

                  ·    1-4- Live Web Statistic.

                  ·    1-5- Weekly Backup of your DATA

                 ·    1-6- 2000GB/ month Traffic permitted (more traffic has extra fee) 

      ·2-Special Tools for Programming and Design. 

               ·    2-1- ASP (Active Server Pages) compatible.

               ·    2-2- Hosting Controller with HELM.

               ·    2-3- ASP.NET Web Matrix

               ·    2-4- PHP.

               ·    2-5- Active perl (.pl ) compatible.

               ·    2-6- CGI-BIN Account.

               ·    2-7- ODBC Data source connection.

               ·    2-8- MS SQL Server 2000 DB Support.

               ·    2-9- My SQL Server 4.x

               ·    2-10- Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.

               ·    2-11- Customized 404 error pages.

               ·    2-12- Real time DNS manager.

               ·    2-13- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Directory.

               ·    2-14- Real Stream Player.

               ·   2-15- Execute controlled programs. 

      ·3- Special Features of E-Mail : 

               ·    3-1- Unlimited (Capacity and counts) POP3 E-mail.

               ·    3-2- Last Version of Mali from Ipswich.

               ·    3-3- Web Mail Access with these features (http://mail.yourname.com) 

-     3-3-1- On-line check mail/compose/forward/search.

-     3-3-2- Change password.

-     3-3-3- Auto Response.

-     3-3-4- Forward to another mail.

-     3-3-5- Address Books.

-     3-3-6- Change your profile.

-     3-3-7- Unlimited Alias.

-     3-3-8- Mailing Lists. 

              ·    3-3- Outlook Express Mail Checking.

              ·    3-4- WAP compatible E-Mail System. 

    ·    4- Controlled Web Access 

                             ·               4-1- Controlled FTP (Unlimited on any folders)

                             ·               4-2- Change your FTP Pass.

                             ·               4-3- IE 5 features for FTP (ftp://ftp.yourname.com)

                             ·               4-4- Unlimited Sub Domain (sub.yourname.com) 

 چنانچه نياز به اطلاعات بيشتر داشتيد لطفا با متخصصان ما تماس حاصل فرماييد.